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On The Light Side

Some of the very best service dog humor ever written comes from Debi Davis, whom I am proud to say was
my mentor in all things related to service dogs. Debi’s true gift for storytelling shines through in her tales of embarrassing moments. That such moments happen is inevitable. We can hide in shame or share them with humility and humor. Debi died in May, 2021. Sharing some of her stories is the best way I can think of to honor Debi. Let's all keep her star shining brightly by sharing our own funny stories with each other.

- Barbara L Handelman

Debi Davis generously shared not only her hilarious stories but also her wealth of training wisdom.  For nearly twenty-five years, she gave tirelessly of her time and knowledge on many service dog related e-mail lists (that effort began long before Facebook was “born”).  A few of her cohorts and colleagues collected and organized some of the best of the best of Debi’s posts.  “THE DEBI DAVIS COLLECTION Common Sense by a Smart Person” is available for free download at

BHSDT Website Banner - Left to Right - Black and white Papillon Service Dog assists woman in wheelchair to remove a yellow jacket; large white service dog pushes a handicap accessible door button with woman standing behind; black and white Papillon service dog retrieves a banana; German Shepherd service dog retrieves a debit card from an ATM.
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